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Ad Astra

Rising like the phoenix

Many of you will be aware, in on December 5th 2023, our wonderfully wonky building was destroyed by a fire at 4:30am in the morning. Receiving the call personally was one of pure heartbreak. When we arrived on the scene, the view was one we will never forget as we watched everything Sam, the team and myself had worked so hard to build over the past 3 years. We lost our mechanics bay, construction workshop, health and fitness suite, social areas, sensory rooms, classrooms and our beloved small animal care centre - including our beautiful small animals.

The community around us, our neighbours, friends, stakeholders and authorities supported us overwhelmingly and we cannot thank them enough for everything they did for us.

As a team, we pulled together, within 24 hours we had a space to work from and the community around us offered their workspaces to work from with our young people.

We secured another building - only a few yards away from our original site and we are hard at work building the different workshops and areas our young people require. Our students have been amazing and we cannot thank them enough for their resiliance and hard work.

We are so excited for the future, there was no doubt in our mind that we would rise from the ashes and we certainly have.

We continue to be open for referrals for this term and September 2024 !

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