Updated Statement of Notice - Coronavirus
In preparation for the return of children to schools and educational settings in September, we wanted to provide an update as to how Ad Astra plans to implement Government Guidance to reduce the risks and the spread of Coronavirus. We will continue to monitor advice and recommendations given by the Department of Education and Public Health England, and follow any local lockdown recommendations. Any changes will be communicated out when necessary.
In order to do this, we will be following these Principles:
· Prevention
o Should any students or members of staff, or any persons within their household, display symptoms of Coronavirus (persistent cough, fever, loss of smell as guided by PHE and NHS) they will not be able to attend Ad Astra. Parents/guardians are required to notify Ad Astra ASAP where this is the case. Recommendations will be given to book a Coronavirus test, and notify Ad Astra of the results, both negative or positive, and further instruction will be given at this point.
o As per Government Guidance, any person with a positive test result must self-isolate for 10 days, and if any person within their household has tested positive, they must self-isolate for 14 days.
o Mentor’s will perform a welfare check upon collection each morning. The mentor, whilst wearing a mask, will also take the temperature of the student using a contactless thermometer. Any student displaying a high temperature must stay at home and follow advice.
o If a student develops symptoms whilst at Ad Astra, they will be brought home immediately by staff member wearing PPE. Parents/Guardians may be required to collect the student from Ad Astra if transport cannot be provided home.
o Students will be asked to bring their own face mask with them each day, however one will be provided if they cannot, and must be worn at all times whilst in the vehicles. Staff will also be required to wear a face covering whilst in vehicles where social distancing cannot be adhered to.
o Hand sanitiser stations will be positioned at the entrances of the building, and Mentor’s will carry a supply of hand sanitiser in each vehicle. Students will be encouraged to wash or sanitise their hands at regular intervals.
o Promote the ‘catch it, kill it, bin it’ approach, by providing tissues and bins for any coughs or sneezes.
o Enhanced cleaning schedules will be introduced for high contact areas, both in vehicles and buildings.
o Social distancing will be encouraged where possible between groups. Where this is not possible, masks will be provided and encouraged to be worn.
o As Astra will engage with the NHS Test and Trace system process to manage confirmed cases within the Ad Astra community, and will report and follow such guidance from the Local Authority.
· Operations
o Transport – students and staff will be required to wear a mask at all times within an Ad Astra vehicle.
o Enhanced cleaning at regular intervals of vehicles.
o Any student who arrives at Ad Astra using any other means of transport will be encouraged to follow any control measures put in place by that provider.
o Parents/carers are required to inform Ad Astra of any planned trips outside of the UK.
o Students will be grouped so as to minimise the number of different groups they will have contact with. A record of this will be kept.
o All staff and students visiting other venues such as shops, café’s, museums and activity centres must adhere to any restrictions that have been put in place by that establishment.
· Curriculum, behaviour and pastoral support
o Any student who is self-isolating will be supported with an online platform for leaning from Ad Astra.
o Lyz Shaw, the Designated Safeguarding Lead for Ad Astra, is available to provide any support to parents, students and families who feel they could benefit from any further support during this time.
o Students will be encouraged to adhere to all protocols that have been put in place, and staff will take the time to discuss any concerns that students may have regarding these.
· Assessment
o A record will be kept of all instances of reported symptoms, negative and positive test results.
o Clear lines of communication between Ad Astra, parents/guardians and all stakeholders will be encouraged at all times to aid the prevention of spreading the virus between different areas.
o Ad Astra will adhere to any local lockdown restrictions that may be put in place, by local government.
· Contingency Planning
o Ad Astra will comply with all local and national guidance at all times, and adhere to any local lockdown procedures.
o Where students are not able to attend provision in person, an online learning platform will be provided.
o A reduced and staggered timetable will be introduced where required following any local lockdowns restrictions.
o Ad Astra will fully comply with the NHS Test and Trace system, and will provide all information as required.
Contact Information
Julia Crane – Head of Provision Julia.crane@adastrayork.co.uk
Lyz Shaw – Designated Safeguarding Lead Lyz.shaw@adastrayork.co.uk
Laura Harben – Operations Manager Laura.harben@adastrayork.co.uk